
Happy birthday Cake

It was a perfect day for a BBQ on a rooftop. Looking out over the city and North Melbourne. There were pretty ladies and clear blue skies.

pretty ladies

It was Kate's birthday last week so I made her a cake. A rainbow cake. Happily it survived the ride in my basket from Preston. Since the rainbow was inside the cake, we couldn't really know if it worked until it was cut open. It was a surprise, and it worked! What is this cake magic? It even tasted quite nice, if you didn't look at it while eating it, it was a lemony cake with cream cheese icing. It qualifies as a Rainbow connection!

cross section
taste the rainbow

Taste the rainbow! There were also Aquarian birthday glasses doing the rounds. More BBQ's please before and during the threatening Autumn. I'll find time in my schedule for some more salt and pepper calamari and gingerbeer mules. And it's always nice to see these people.


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