I’m lying on the floor amidst the debris caused by the whirlwind production of four monkey suits. my housemate kate just looked in her shirt and smiled at her boobs. pleased they were still there I guess.
they are good to have. I can relate to that.
a lot of people like boobs really
crowd pleasers.
I ate a bad bacon pie. to keep all the other bad things in my belly company… thoughtful of me. and yes my body hurts now. not from the pie. just feeling the pain of being older. 28 hurts more than 27. all over.
see the pain.

it was my birthday. I shook my monkey bum. I got lovely presents. lots of good looking people came, and a lot of them dressed like monkeys. that made me happy. we drank a lot of rum. and I cleaned up a lot of peanut shells and banana peels this morning. that took me about four hours. the waves of nausea are subsiding. I might have patched things up with the boy who stormed out on me when the sun came up. i deserved it. i'm bad. but also good.
I ate some steamed broccoli too. Do you care? too bad, you already read about it. HA!
thank you to lovely Lydia, Paul Drew & Greg & Sparky for letting me have my party at your place. you are the best looking monkey household around. hands down. thank you to everyone who came and gave me lovely presents and mostly just your presence…

thankyou to kate for taking great monkey portraits and those who dressed up. A for effort. (monkey book is coming soon) & brooke & Rachael who made me a beautiful monkey cake that really does look like me. AMAZING. & ronan who made me the best banana cake I have ever eaten... I love you all.

also annie & kade and sailor for my surprise birthday breakfast. thankyou kade for dressing up as a bloody mary for me. it’s got me thinking…
also thanks to anj for calling me from canada. I love you.
this is like an Oscars speech. I’ll stop now. but I do feel lucky. I am. good night or good morning or just good day. oh it’s still my birthday for a week so I get extra kisses. and they won't taste like lolly bananas next time i promise.
oh yeah. has anybody got a job for me. I said I’d get one this week. I do have skills.
Wow. 3 very wise-looking Monkies. Happy Birthday Dell. You are the best of everything. Makes me a little jealous actually, now I think about it. hmpf.
A lovely monkey party indeed. Did the banana-drinks last through til the end?
bananas taped to glasses all over the disaster struck kitchen for me to unstick... it took off.
hi dellçawesome party. sorry didnt hang around late. scared of what my of been let out the cage so to speak. come to see "annie" at honkytonks tomoz fri 13___
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