i have been admiring some of their homemade weaponry. here is a small selection.

rifles, pistols, daggers, throwing knives.... it may just look like a blackened stick to you but don't doubt it is a lovingly forged orc sword. very deadly... when we have a bbq it's not about food. it's about forging more swords. there is a large pile under the house in readiness for battle... sharpening more arrows.. (them thar hills are full of all sorts of baddies) testing them out in combat with the brothers. assessing the damage wrought. with loud and enthusiastic commentry on whose guts is spilling out and where his eye ended up. on going descriptions and re-enactments of the trail of blood and gore that leads to his final bloody resting place. unfortunately the fuckers never stay dead, do they, so it goes on. very entertaining in a slightly disturbing way. so much for innocence.

the collection also features many variations on the humble rubber-band gun. made with a little assistance from grandpa tony... we also have spud guns and crossbows and many more daggers... all of which are rather battle weary.
inspired by the terminator movies and lord of the rings. which by the way is now known of as 'lord of the bums'. one bum to rule them all. the fellowship of the bum... i won't go on but you can imagine.

this is me in my room here. i've just been shot by an arrow, though i'm told yr not supposed to be smiling... duh. you're also supposed to see the arrow boys. anyway. aunty dell is alright. they like that i'm called hell. they like my t-shirt.
they like making horror movies with me. we have a few in our collection now. 'a vampire story...TASTY BLOOD', evil alfred, SLOW DEATH, die valentine... I am not responsible for titles or content. i'm merely the innocent technical advisor and editor / slave. this is an old picture but you get the point.

oooo weee
clever bean put links in the sidebar. some people i visit for entertainment and a little fix of they're fine writingses. maybe you should too.
1 comment:
ah yes, the old pointy stick. Strangely enough, the hills where i grew up were also overrun with orcs, evil robots and even the occasional nazi left over from WWII...
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