that about sums my situation up. a snippet on quantum physics from ‘The Dancing Wu Li Masters’, by Gary Zukav.
my reading material of choice for the last week.
the house I am sitting in is the house of two doctors of upper atmospheric physics. & the bookshelf is full of heady titles like plasma physics, quantum physics, numerical recipes, the art of scientific computing yada yada yada…
we also have subscriptions to the journal of atmospheric & solar-territorial physics, physics today, new scientist & Australian Physics… so I’ve been reading new scientist too. which isn’t new. it’s been a favourite for ages.
it’ almost over. my house sitting. and it’s a bit sad. I love having a huge house to myself. other fringe benefits include pene’s garden. abundant with snowpeas baby spinach carrots broccoli silverbeet & herbs. it was specified as one of my jobs. pick lots of peas.
the weather has been amazing, picture perfect, smile all the day springtime.
this is a pretty kowhai (yellow) tree. and some other New Zealand icons worth celebrating.

I have developed a soft spot for Wellington, mostly cause of miss amy laurenson, also because its so pretty and all the boys have cute accents. but amy introduced me to lovely people, let me live in her lovely house and has been a WONDERFUL hostess. my aunt pene too. (who is one of my mum's families famed over-achiever’s, wintered in the antartic studying the upper atmosphere, then wrote a book about being the only woman on an antartic base for months)
it’s tiny. new Zealand is smaller & bigger than I thought. now there’s another worthwhile observation from dell. I’m running out of time to see lots of stuff. volcanoes and beaches and mountains and bush. seen some of it anyway. & yep it’s pretty.
people are nice. but lots of people wear pounami, tiki’s or bonefishhook things or whatever. hippies. and lots of other peole wear tshirts with maps of new zealand on them. fine. whatever. nationalism is big at the moment. i love a bit of trashy australiana more than most, but it's all over the hipsters & the shops.
I know some maori kids songs and how to say wash your hands. I have been working with a whole bunch of samoan ladies and they rock. laughing lovely mountainous ladies. eating taro and green banana and hunting mussells at lunchtime. pulling eyebrows when the boss turns her back.
I’ll miss the kids. I’ll miss the gorgeous weather. I’ll miss my wee cousin William. who blows me away and makes me smile. he is four and say’s things like ‘IT’S AN ABOMINATION!’, ‘open some lemonade, I’m not having any of that common beer…’ when you drink beer near him. & ‘I’m noting the laws of physics’, when I ask him why he’s watering the path instead of the garden… freaking scientists children huh…
family resemblance no? noting his good australian jumper...

anyways, I will plan to come back to see a volcano or some hot mud, preferably on a roadtrip with a good looking driver or four. HA
till then i have a week of activities to undertake. hope you're all in good health & spirits. love dell
dell can i say -you rock! no? well can i at least type it? can i engrave it on a tree? can i carve it out of chewing gum on the bottom of my desk?
cant wait to kick the shit whichu back in melbs. Just you, me, richie benaud and the under 11s hockey team. drink beers. making plans, talking dreams. watching the clouds go by and saying 'hey, are they really any different from us? you know? i mean, think about it yeah' Eat them cold bananas and dont squash the insects. They deserve better.
ok stopping now...
yay rony maloney... see you soon back in the mother land.
i got my first ever detention for writing my name on my desk in liquid paper. it was the start of something big...
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