
hello you

i just walked home from the pub... a little bit tipsy... happy... cold... thoughtful... i walked past a magnolia tree in full blossom... i stopped and i stared... it's one of my favourites... and i thought, it must be almost spring!

but no, dell... winter is only half over... that is different...

it has snuck up on me this year... i guess i have had my head planted firmly in the clouds and the self absorbed quag of my own work, my own thing... winter has been warmed and charmed and troubled and FULL. it's a long way from over yet, but there is something about those blossoms that lifts me out of the fog...

i played with a handsome rabbit. i ate dinner with friends. i talked business. and went to the dole office.


magnolias... i picked a bunch for my bedroom. they are hanging romantically over by my lamp. my heart is full. my head too. i hope you are having a good day. i am hanging out with sailor tomorrow. and i can't think of a better way to spend the day, than with that baby boy...

sorry... sappy... spew...

maybe we could hang out soon? you busy? meantime, warm your bones by this fire... x

log fire


Sherriff said...

self absorbed quag.

Something about that really tickles me, and I'm not normally ticklish.

I have logs, move over Goaty.


sublime-ation said...

I love Magnolias. The come out in winter to remind us spring will come.
Then we shall all come out of hibernation...

Unknown said...

i feel invited. too bad i'm a bit far.