

We are trying to furnish this studio to work in, perhaps instead of actually working in it. I'm a terrible snob. I loathe the ugly blue and yellow doona cover on my bed, despite it's pedestrian usefulness and it''s friendly ability to keep me warm at night...

We are seeking an extra chair, and because I don't want to be responsible for another IKEA folding chair in the world, I am adamant that we will find one, secondhand or free, in the neighbourhood. I like street furniture. But you only ever see them on the way out for the day, never on the way home.
old crap

Went to the flea market again today, test rode a bike, looked for chairs, watched dogs and small children with very large bubbles and pondered buying hash cookies from the bike seller...

Camberwell markets got nuthin on these ones, with basically everyone standing around drinking beer or mulled wine or hot rum and having a chat about god knows what (I think he speaks german better than me) and checking each other out in their army coats and leather pants. woo.

Have seen lots of art. Not much to write home about as yet. But trees are good. See.

Started hunting for a house. We have three weeks to find somewhere. Cross your fingers for a large, cheap, lush apartment in Cross-mountain or Mitte for 6 months. If you help, you can come stay in the spare room. Deal?


Helen said...

Try here:

Djali said...

OHHH. You live such a charmed life Dellie. Good luck with the hunt!

Minta said...

i'm house sitting wardy & lidias house and its like being on holiday. hope berlins a beauty mate

Simon. said...

perhaps you should ask Mareike at animaldelmar.blogspot.com