
how is this for a rave

not that kind of rave. EW. who are you people?

not new. but I’ve been throwing my body around like a ragdoll. just ask wardy* he saw me ride into a parked car on a foggy foggy night. like a crash test dummy but more exiting with all that long hair to watch… I am fine. I have a swollen chin and grazed knuckles. I also have a cracked lip and bruised knees. but those are dance floor injuries and score different points...

I have a bite mark on my boob too but, like I said. different points.

I caught myself accusing brookie of only talking about boobs ‘I don’t even think about them until I am around you’ i realized when I was saying it that that was a bare-faced lie. I lie. I’m a lion. then Rachael was like ‘all you bitches talk about is boobs and boys’. SO! WHATEVER. what would you know hooper. go home with your new boyfriend since you love him so much. maybe you could chat about books or art or this really great movie you saw.

for your information I saw one too. the tracker. it made me feel all sad and spiritual and shit. and a bit in AWE of the good people who made it. maybe they aren’t good. maybe they just make good stuff? big questions dell... hmmm. that david gulpilil, hot or what…

it also made me helplessly homesick. but I am that all the time.

PLEASE. would some amazing man HURRY UP and sweep me off my feet, take me to the hills that I love, the land that is burned into every fibre of my being like a brand (have you read ‘the story of o’)(maybe I’ll read it to you sometime… I have a soft sultry voice…) (no I am not loud like my pictures may suggest…) anyway not branded like that, no. but something. mr rugged handsome can you build me a crib with a fire for me to cook the food of love & make an honest girl of me. PLEASE. I will build it if you like. I’m good like that. SEE SO MANY FACETS TO THIS GIRL. agreed? I would trick it up like a cave or den of love with a diamond python coiled by the door and a ponyskin rug by the fire. ah this is not pony Friday. lets make it a russet brown curly-haired cowskin rug. you love that much? (sorry vegos I love animals too. so much I eat them and lay on they skins in my dream house)… mr 'my dreams' I will do your bidding. cause, like. I’m not doing mine.

anyway… how beautiful was the fog last night. I could’ve and should’ve just rode across the city soaking up the wonder. I kind of did, but also i went to a band who I have massive crush on. panel of judges. dion and Alison will you both marry me when you google yourselves and find this? don’t feel left out pk I think you’re handsome but four is crowded. and we’ll have you over for soup sometime…

I also went to kylee’s party and cried(my life is a mess) and then held some ladies bottoms. and pondered the differences. annie used to call me boys bum when we would live together and lay together sometimes with kade too and feel bottoms. yeah those were the days...

*misty eyes*

actually annie & kade will you marry me? i know you love each other, but what about me. where do i fit it. me. all heartbroke broke and sorry. maybe you could adopt me instead. i have parents i love but they are too faraway and it makes me want to cry just thinking of it...

yeah me. with my boys bum. it’s true. wardy was nice and called it athletic. drew said ‘legs like a gazelle’, and I like it when he says that… but I was wishing I had one of those weighty lady asses all round and soft and good to grab. but I don’t. I do have long strong legs that look quite good in my playsuit. SO I will just have to hold YOUR nice ladies bottom when I get the chance. yes you lady face…

*I blame him for talking to me, and distracting me with some trick or something maybe just his ‘outta be illegal’ good looks. we were rather wasted. which is a good account of me and my life. RATHER A WASTE. I used to be such a young go-getter. not anymore. I am a Capricorn. we are supposed to be like the most ambitious of all. why am I not more like they say I am in the book. I want a refund. imagine my poor mother. I bet she does too.

shoosh dell.

bye. I love you.

I really truly do.

and you love me a bit too. carn. spill it.

but even though i want to i'm not dragging these sorry bones into my playsuit and across that town to see the beautiful ladies play raucous music at that party with the hottest dj's and stuff. because i might spew.


rhymes with pony said...

i would sweep you, but i dont think my broom and your feet are compatible. they just knock into each other and your feet get sore and my broom gets stuck. not that ive ever tried, so who knows?
anyway i might be up for this party, need something to take my mind off ''dffdagrrrjfdjk'grr'' so...whos, what, where, why, when, willies.
try and let me know b4 i go to work at 830 i finish at 10

dell said...

rony pony i love that you haven't really tried to sweep me off my feet but sometimes send late night drunk text messages asking when we will ever sleep together etc... it's good because i love you both ways and it's true your broom is hurting my feet and didn't you read about it? i'm in the wars as it is....

Anonymous said...

Well miss Del the queue to your heart is very long indeed , in fact it bends and ambles for many many blocks , their are many wonderful suiters and beaus grappling for poll postion and alas many are more perfectly matched than I , I should know as I have been in that queue so very long .... be under no disolution we are out there ... patience beautiful girl ...

ms fits said...

*joins queue*


*plays harmonica to pass the hours*

dell said...

ow, anonymous... now we wonder...

sublime-ation said...

I love the fog. It seems like I am somewhere else...
the lovely ladies were incredible, all of them, and I have photos, upcoming...

Anonymous said...

Can I photograph your face?

dell said...

i'm not very photogenic. just ask anyone who isn't me that tries to take photos of me... but sure... email me.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't even know about the queue. I guess I'm not such a clever cunt afterall.

dell said...
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dell said...

only clever cunts wear gingham... even if they are a bit slow off the mark...


Anonymous said...

I prefer being a bit slow off the mark. It's endearing.

dell said...

ms fits can talk about queues... the queue to her heart is like trying to catch a glimpse of a tourist attraction in china, only with loads of indy spunks, rock and roll gentlemen, rowdy bastards, clever cunts and loads and loads of hot ladies jostling for position...

colour me endeared adrock

Anonymous said...

the computer didn't let me email you. but my email is simon@hamb.com.au
I do a lot of bad photos so that's ok.