
narcissism ahoy

self portraits. if you come here you know i'm a serial offender. if you look at my flickr photos you'll know it's quite serious. here are some from other people. some of my favourite people on flickr. yar they're all good lookin but that ain't really the point...

miss lovefoxxxx makes my heart beat slow in awe and wonder, she's a brazillian popstar... the band is CSS or canseidesersexy which means something like sick of being sexy in portugese... i love them. i know she looks six years old. she's not.

miss anverse is in milan and she is DREAMY i know not much of her though i do think i like her.

By the lake
Originally uploaded by Miss Aniela.

miss aniela does heaps of photoshoppy clone things. i don't love that shit but despite that this photo just knocks my socks off and i love it. there is a pheasant by a lake with two pretty pretty girls. that's what dreams are made of.

Originally uploaded by zenbomb.

this just makes me happy for other reasons. a man in arizona, it looks dusty... he looks like trouble... i don't mind trouble...

this is another one, this is cookie b. she lives in L.A. and she makes me happy each time i see her pictures... i think i love her... so look at this... it's one of my favourites... it is... really...

click on they names, photos or they titles for moremoremore... ok bye...


Simon. said...

nothing wrong with staring a yourself.

you don't have to be beautiful to be vain, as i tell myself...

not to imply that you aren't beautiful

rhymes with pony said...

the first narcissist looks like my sister; who coincidentally has about a million self portraits

Anonymous said...

You love the internet.
And nemo's right, you are beautiful.

sublime-ation said...

I love self-portraits. They might be viewed as narcissistic, but they also make some of the best photography around.
I get away with it thanks to PJ Harvey, who calls it 'documenting herself over the years'. If you don't, who will?
My fave one of Cooks is the one in bangs club.