

i was trapped in the elevator yesterday for an hour and a half. this is adam looking in.



Anonymous said...

i will help you out little lady!
will be there in october...
can you wait that long?

Anonymous said...

it was yesterday
and it was only for an hour and a half
still, maybe i can help with something else in october....

ms fits said...


Young lady, those people at Elevator HQ* have some explaining to do. Are you alright? x

*or whoever is the boss of Elevators these days. I'm not choosy. I just want answers.

jenene said...

my worst nightmare!

sublime-ation said...

this is why I walk the 8 flights to see cPet in the Nicholas Building, although I love their lifts.

Anonymous said...

god, how scary! My worst nightmare too - I would have just died there of a heart attack... Hope you were not too scared...

Anonymous said...

poor you? what about poor elevator. maybe you should consider how the poor elevator felt about the whole experience, stuck in one place, the same person sitting inside it for an hour and a half, not to mention the embarrasment in front of all the other elevators. you humans are so selfish sometimes.
hans hochhauser - president, society for the protection of elevators (and miscelaneous lifts), hamburg, germany.

Unknown said...

ha ha ha... the lift in my building does that, too.

we were stuck, i pressed the emergency button, and the voice boomed: WHO ARE YOU??

i'm not at all sure why they need id to rescue me.