

Today feels like it's gone on forever. I left the studio instead of waiting around for paint to dry. I took things to the kiln to be fired. I fretted over other things that haven't been fired yet. (Will they be ready on time? Will they survive the fire? Will they be nice? Will they survive the ride home on my bike? Will they be all of the above and I ruin them with an ugly glaze?)
So I went into the city, I visited Mayumi in Alice and the lovely ladies of Craft Victoria, to drop work off for an exhibition next week. I got excited talking about it, and the launch of a book.

I went to the fabric shop and ummed and arrhed about buying rolls of fabric today. I decided not to, as I had my bike, and it may have been pushing the limits of my crooked old basket, and I may have become more of a danger to myself and others.

Instead I got some samples and rode to Newtown to have a coffee to give me stamina to get home and to look at art, which I will post about next.
It's cold in the cave, and I am tired. It's friday though and things are good. Really good. Did I mention that not only is chutney club on sunday, but tomorrow is the festival of the pie?
Yeah, you heard me.

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